The United States has lost the way

United States has lost the Way

In what can only be filed under proof positive that the United States has lost the way. I was reading how two boys in second grade were suspended for using pencils as weapons. Now to give even a deeper understanding this happened not far from of the largest Naval bases in the world. Evidently one of the boys Fathers is a retired Marine.

The boys were playing Marine and bad guy in the classroom and making shooting noises with their pencils. Completely understandable given the pride in a boy’s Father. There certainly was a better time to be playing guns though. I will give the children credit as it is reported that when the teacher said something they immediately stopped.

So really what the problem is that we have two normal boys that were misbehaving in class and immediately stopped when reminded by the teacher. The proof that we the United States has lost the way is how the school system responded. They seemed to believe that the boys brought too much violence into the classroom.

They further believe that boys do not play cops and robbers anymore and instead the children cringe in fear waiting for a drive by shooting or a school shooting. I guess I am never around normal boys that age. The ones that I see are playing cops and robbers and shooting things.

Have we really come that far that a make believe gun and noises traumatizes someone? That is a sad fact and shows that a nation of riflemen has descended so far. I for one am glad to still see boys playing the innocent games and I hope they will continue. I will make sure that I give it my best to bring the boys up the old school ways.

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