Stansberry Research proves the Duck is a duck People keep talking about how far we come and how the hope and change is working, but Stansberry Research proves the duck is a duck. Folks this presentation that they present is … Continue reading
Senator Paul Filibuster delivers hope The day of March 6th 2013 will go down as the Senator Paul filibuster delivers hope for freedom and liberty to America and shows the future of the party. The reality is that it is … Continue reading
Walmart Logistics Failure The recent news out of Bentonville is a little disconcerting as are very good at what they do and now there are indications of a Walmart logistics failure. There is little doubt for anyone that is involved … Continue reading
Taxes Equal Legal Theft The reality is that Judge Napalitano is a very smart man and he knows that taxes equal legal theft. The government often shows that they do not understand basic economics. The reality is that many people … Continue reading
New Arrival Dictates The brilliant Patrice Lewis had a great article about the Californification of our nation and it highlights how it creates an issue when new arrivals dictates how things should be done. This is a common trend no … Continue reading