Today we celebrate the brave minutemen of 237 years ago!

Brave Minutemen

The date was April 19,1775 and the brave minutemen stood up to the World’s best army of the time. As we look back 237 years ago why would these British craftsman and farmers stand up against what was seemingly insurmountable odds.

Despite the odds the world was shocked when the British turned and fled. As we have talked about before firearms are an important item to prepare with. One of the best trainings and networking events I have encountered for prepping is a Project Appleseed event.

Appleseed_blogWhere else but a Project Appleseed event can you learn about firearms and the foundation of our country. Based on people I have talked too there are very like minded people at an event. No matter your current ability with firearms most people learn valuable things at an event.

Today as we remember those brave minutemen, who were the original Patriots, we honor them for thinking of their history. For those that have already attended reach out and get involved. I encourage each and everyone one of you reading to either attend your first Appleseed event or a libraryseed in the next few months! It is our duty to honor those brave souls by learning their sacrifices and ensuring future generations are not left correcting our mistakes.

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