Saving Money, Getting Light, Glostik


Last week we talked about the perpetual Blue UVO Necklace and this week it is the Glostik. This is another great way to save money and still get light. The fact that they are rechargeable is a great way to save money. The children can use it every night for a light source.

A UV Glostik on a book bag as a zipper pull for nighttime markingThe Glostik also can be cut or drilled so you can put them on stairs or a hallway to allow a light source that is very nighttime friendly. A quick drill and some screws to attach it to the baseboard makes it easy to light a way. You can quickly charge them via a flashlight if needed.

The ability to attach them to other things makes it a great marking device. The fact that they are only $5.95 means they make great stocking stuffers. Four inches long and a 1/2 inch wide means they can fit in small pockets as well.

As we stated last week we could not find a local source for any of these products so we picked them up for our family and friends. Also they are a big hit with the local Boy Scout Troops and American Heritage Girls.

Since it is the Christmas season the first 3 customers that purchase something on can use the coupon code “lite” for free shipping! That is up to a $5.95 value and should get to your house before Christmas if you order today!


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