National Unity should not depend on a tragedy!

National Unity

There was a lot of reflection on those tragic events that took place over 11 years ago now and one I remember is the National Unity that was present. Given the decisiveness that Washington DC is known for can you remember Congress singing God Bless the USA on the Capitol steps? This came with a huge price paid. Let us never forget the thousands that died that day.

We also must never forget the thousands that have died since that day taking the fight to the terrorists that attacked us that day. The situation has changed drastically over the last eleven years. It seems like we could never get the national unity back. That perhaps may be the worst part.

Do we really have to wait until something bad happens before the nation operates as one? The answer is most likely yes. It seems like the government uses tragedy to become more oppressive and grow larger putting more strain on resources. The bubble will burst sooner or later.

We need to prepare now to watch for the false flags and be ready to hunker down. The only national unity that we should strive for is the one that we take back our government from the corrupt system. Finally then we can put our preps down. Of course our Founding Fathers warned us to be eternally vigilant as the forces of evil will be there to restrict freedom and liberty.

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