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Guarantee of Life

There are certain things that are always considered a guarantee of life. You will always be born, die, and pay taxes. It seems like they have added a new one over the last several years. It is now a guarantee of life that the food sizes will decrease. It started off with meat. A pound of bacon became 12 ounces of bacon. Now they have extended that to other things.
It is designed for the Corporations to keep from raising prices, but I guess they are betting on the stupid consumer not realizing they are paying the same thing for 4 ounces less product. It must work that way for the Government accountants since inflation is almost non-existent. Only the people that buy groceries to live notice the difference. Have things really gotten that bad the now a pound of pasta has become 12 ounces of pasta. It is almost certain that the size you buy this year will not be the same size next year.
I guess we should all accept that shrinking food size is now a guarantee of life and be done with it. Don’t mind what you are actually putting in your body or that there is more month than money. Things are great folks and it is only the rich people holding you back. We will just take it away from them and give it to someone more deserving. Before too long they will tax it anyway because the government does not think you should eat it.


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