Memorial Day 2017

Memorial Day 2017

That day has arrived and we fail if we do not honor the past! A heavy price has been paid for the freedom we enjoy. Everyday we should honor our veterans and those that died fighting for the USA. Today is the day we officially pay tribute and the following image paints a good reason why.

pictures of gravestones at Arlington with US flags for Memorial DaySomething about that white stone with real names chokes me up every time. To see the United States Flag along side ratchets it up even more. All across this great land people will gather for parades, services, putting flag on graves. We also gather at the beach, parks, or backyards to grill out and enjoy some downtime.

It is only right to celebrate Memorial Day and remember with a little patriotic music. When thinking of the final resting place of our fighting men and women I certainly hope they knew Jesus Christ. If they were believers that means they will have been in heaven to greet their loved ones.

One of my favorite songs on Memorial Day is the Battle Hymn of the Republic. It was written during a trying time and even though it came from the North we still enjoy it. In the video below enjoy it as performed by the US Army Field Band.

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