The latest Mars Rover Curiosity proves the capabilites!

Mars Rover Curiosity

Let there be no doubt the Mars Rover Curiosity proves that the United States is more than capable of carrying the torch! We need to focus on the fundamentals for a little while to get things straightened out. The technology used to get there and keep the mission running is simply amazing. There is no doubt we will learn a lot on Mars.

Mars Rover CuriosityThe learning that we gain from the Mars Rover Curiosity will be enhanced by the images that are sent back. There will be some people that will try and say that the whole thing is faked, but the technology is certainly there to do it so why would they fake it. It does prove that we are still at the top.

It is time for the United States to actually take a leadership position once again and lead the rest of the world out of the doldrums that currently exist. There are many things that have to happen for us to regain that position.

We have become that sports team that has been in the top position for too long and do not know how to play from behind. It is time for us to focus on the fundamentals and recapture what made us great.

The essence of the Mars Rover Curiosity accomplishments will once again remind us that we are capable. It is now time for us to show the world how to do it, by reducing government spending and encouraging people to be self-reliant instead of looking for a handout. Reminding people that we are blessed to have the provisions given to us by God and not any other force.

The reduction of the government and an increase in self-reliance will be enough to fix the ills of society here and will once again spread around the globe. The Mars Rover Curiosity can remind of this we just have to listen.

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