Bug Out! Preppers on the move! Book 2 by Ron Foster in his Prepper Trilogy

Bug Out!

Bug OutToday we are reviewing BUG OUT! Preppers on the Move by Ron Foster. It is the second book of his Preppers trilogy. Last week I gave you my review on Preppers Road March and if you read it you know I was thrilled with the book.

The second book in the trilogy did not have any let down. It was full of more information to help anyone survive in a bad situation. I may need to go get another highlighter before reading the third book.

I will remind you that I have found this much valuable information in the first read. Many times you need to reread books to gain the knowledge. Ron has a special knack to deliver clear and concise information while entertaining you.

This book continued the character development of characters and much like the first book I can picture them in my head while reading. I can also clearly see the small cities and roadways that his characters are living in.

One of the potential negative things that I noted in the first book is the criminal activity that would be apparent in an electricity out situation. He certainly makes you aware of the potential problems that may happen. In addition in the second book the lead character has some interactions with nefarious people. He handles it in a very good way and one that children could still benefit from.

The other negative that I noted in the first book was the consumption of alcohol by the lead character. That is still happening in the second book and in fact takes it to a new level towards the end of the second book.I still find it not plausible that a character as skilled and trained as David would be making these mistakes.

I am looking forward to reading the third book of the trilogy to see how the storyline ends up. That is the hallmark of good writing. I also am confident that there will be plenty to learn as there has been in the first two books.


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