Cyberstorm by Matthew Mather Recently I got done reading Cyberstorm by Matthew Mather and it was certainly a good book that causes you to think. The premise is what happens to Manhatten when it becomes isolated and shutdown after different … Continue reading
DMT’s Double Sided Diafold Sharpener It has been a long time since I posted anything much less a review so we are ending that today with a review of DMT’s double sided diafold sharpener. Over the last two months I … Continue reading
Decline of Shortwave Radio Spreads Global Conflict In a brilliant essay about exactly how the decline of shortwave radio spreads global conflict it reminded me of several points. The reality that most people seem to forget is that within minutes … Continue reading
Happy Independence Day 2013 Today we celebrate 237 years since those 56 brave patirots risked it all and signed their name to the Declaration of Independence. What is more American than a good fireworks show while we review exactly what … Continue reading
NSA Snooping As we get ready to celebrate our Independence day and the NSA snooping really has us questioning if we truly live in the Land of the Free. The following article is very long, but gives a great overview … Continue reading