20 buck preps to get you through the next 72 hours!

20 Buck Preps

Today we have the thought provoking question of how would you prepare with 20 buck preps? I was reading Ron Foster’s newest book ARkStorm and two of the characters had a discussion about building a 72 hour survival kit with 20 buck preps. Now I tend to think it can be like one of those office Christmas party gifts where you spend a little more or less, but not more than 2 or 3 dollars either way. What a great applied application that I am very fond of.

It is great to have unlimited funds and have a ton of lists, but without the applied knowledge can you do anything with it? This is when the rubber meets the road. I can tell you based on a recent experience that a dollar store does not have jumper cables. What would you pick if you had $20 dollars and needed to prepare for 72 hours? Join in on the fun and see what you think is the best choice. Make sure that you tune in tomorrow to learn more about the 20 buck preps and how your skills may pay off.


20 buck preps to get you through the next 72 hours! — 1 Comment

  1. Pingback: Calling all preppers for the 20 buck preps contest!