Three Sisters and others played important role in Native American Gardens

Three Sisters

The three sisters was an integral part of the Native American garden. There was many other things that were planted and the following article made some great points. There are many things that go into consideration when you depend on the food.

One of the most overlooked problems that I believe we have is seed stock that is not good for your micro climate. This problem is compounded by the consolidation of the seed companies. There is no doubt a lost skill is saving seeds. There is a huge benefit to having seed that has been produced in your local micro environment. What grows here may not grow as well in Virginia.

Along with trying to grow and save my own seed so I can guarantee that the seed grows here I take things from the referenced article. There is something to be said about the drought tolerance of seeds. What are you looking forward to getting in the garden? Better yet what are you looking forward to eating from the garden? Please chime in and share your favorite seeds and if you save any.

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