The Swamp Robber

Recently we picked up some books from the series The Sugar Creek Gang by Paul Hutchens.

The very first title (The Swamp Robber)is one that I recently read. Imagine the trouble a group of little boys could get into when they discover a treasure in an old Sycamore hollow. Given the treasure was a Bank Robber’s disguise you know it was going to be a fun read.

There are many things that happen over the book to the gang such as sisters were born, they captured a bank robber, or freed an old man. However the most interesting plot twist I found was when one Father(Theodore Collins) stood up to another boy’s Father and had him put in jail for drinking excessively. He then went and made arrangements to have the farm chores done for the family of the incarcereated man.

This simple step is one that sadly is missing in today’s society. Too often people are afraid to get involved. They feel like it is not their place. Theodore not only called the father out but made sure things were taken care of. He then witnessed to the father and others. How often do we take the easy way out and cross the street to the other side?



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