Stash the Glue Bottles
There are some people that are truly gifted writers and of course they often stash the glue bottles. I was reading a superb post about what he was not getting his kids for Christmas. I have read some of Benjamin Wallace’s work, but not nearly enough and he is certainly on my read list.
All of his writing that I have seen has me laughing out loud. He delivers a great story and this piece was no exception. I remember the green machine well and we wore mine out so much that the plastic rear tires had holes in them by the time we were done. It was too bad they were not replaceable. Those were some of the classic gifts from my youth.
The lists that my children come up with are very funny as well. I wish they took the effort to break out the glue and scissors. Alas we might have hidden the glue bottles too well since the wall art fiasco. It is interesting to see what is on their list and makes me think of what is on my list.
What is going to be on your Christmas list? This is the time to get some of the major purchases out of the way on the prep list. Now that I found my glue bottle I wonder if my wife will take the hint when she sees a grain mill centered on this months Southern Living table display. Just in case the water filter will be taped over the sink in the southern kitchen.
Everyone knows the southern kitchen needs a good water filter. What is on your list?