Likely outcomes from Civil War 2 in America

Civil War 2

I was reading an article about a possible Civil War 2 in America by Matt Bracken, who very well may have the best skill set to dissect this issue, and he brought up many valid points.

I believe he is very well qualified to broach this subject. I am not sure what he studied while at Thomas Jefferson’s University also known as the University of Virginia, but I am guessing it is something history related. He seems to have a trained eye for observing history and through his time as a Seal he saw first hand the art of war.

I definitely think that any reasonable person does not want to see a Civil War come to this country. Look at the human cost of the first civil war and I would dare say that we are even more callous now than they were then. There would be a massive amount of casualties and would not be limited to only the military.

Matt brings up excellent points as to where alliances will align if shooting breaks out. We must keep that in our conscience if we think Civil War 2 is possible. I think we owe ourselves the investigation of the outcome.

We must do what we can to avoid Civil War 2 and keep the Constitution strong. The days of a strong Federal government must come to the end. If states are allowed to act as the founding fathers intended than through the freedom of movement we can align ourselves with like minded people. I do not need or want the government to force their morals on my family.

By allowing like minded people to live together we can cut down on the decisiveness that is present and only truly spend a little on important things that the founding fathers intended the federal government to do. I will give you a hint it is not Education or Interstate highways.

Let us pray that our voters will have the wisdom to support those politicians that truly endorse a limited federal government.


Likely outcomes from Civil War 2 in America — 2 Comments

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