The Homestead Milk Cow delivered more than Raw Milk in the past!

Homestead Milk Cow

The debate will continue about the benefits and disadvantages of the homestead milk cow. We would love to have a milk cow, but as of now the schedule and lack of space are two limiting factors. There is no doubt in my mind that raw milk from the backyard would be better for us than what is delivered through the modern system. I think my thoughts about high prices might have to come to an end though.

I was reading an article about the cost of milk if you did not have a homestead milk cow back in the 1880’s. The disclaimer is that the prices are different and that is after the decimation of the US Dollar. I can tell you right now that if a gallon of milk costs anywhere around $100 then we certainly do not want to be around for that as the price of so many things will be prohibitive. There are so many things that we have lost the art of since giving up our homestead milk cow.

The art of making cheese, cream, and butter is something that has been lost to many of us. These are things that are best done with raw milk. There is a schedule that needs to be maintained when having a homestead milk cow or goat. We are not quite there yet, but the cost of milk may have me trying out some of the Central America tactics like a cow grazing the front yard.


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