ECU lockdown caused by Umbrella

ECU lockdown

The day was fairly normal in Greenville,NC until the ECU lockdown began. Reports started coming in about a man with an assault rifle near the ECU campus.

Picture of the infamous ECU gunbrella manIt was later determined that the ECU lockdown was caused by a student with an umbrella. Jimmy Callaway will now be known as Gunbrella Man.

This was the fifth time in recent weeks that a NC campus was locked down due to the threat of a gun. Fortunately this case has a happy resolution. There was supposedly two different citizen reports about a man with an assault rifle near campus. It was reported that the Greenville Police Department confirmed it via traffic camera.

This caused the Greenville Police Department and ECU police department to respond by securing campus and pulling the long guns out to search for the armed gunman. There were no reports of shots fired.

While the response of ECU and the Greenville PD was admirable and no doubt appropriate given the severity of the alleged situation there is always room for improvement. Reports from social media outlets caused the PD to clear one building due to possible hostages and also the search of a transit bus. I am certain the leaders will review the ECU lockdown response and implement any changes to limit the confusion that was present.

I suppose there could be some confusion with the sighting if someone is not familiar with long guns. That is the issue that Society has created for themselves.

No longer is the general public familiar with firearms. We have become distanced to what was once a primary survival tool. It is far easier to go to the grocery store and buy food than hunt.

We have become scared at the sight of a gun unless worn by a sworn officer. The fact that a citizen was near a campus with an “assault rifle” shut down a major University. The ECU lockdown also scrambled in excess of 70 police officers with no probable cause.

Many advocate for gun control for safety. I challenge that is events like the ECU lockdown that requires us to become familiar with guns again. There is safety in well armed and trained citizens. I think this essay by Major Caudill, whether he wrote it or not, is a great explanation as to what the gun provides Society.

I think that the United States would be wise to remember history so as to not repeat it. I think Massad Ayoob brings some very valid points in regarding the deterrence well trained citizens can provide a country.

One major thing I think we can all do for our country is to attend a Project Appleseed. Where better to learn some history and obtain the skill set necessary to become a rifleman. One day your family or country may need a rifleman! Are you destined to be a rifleman or a cook?



ECU lockdown caused by Umbrella — 3 Comments

  1. I keep wondering when this country will stop the harrassment of the government and stand on its own feet again like we did when the country was for the people and by the people. Every time a new job is created it is in the government and the government is getting TOO BIG. I hate the statement that the government can take care of us. It is NOT true, we the people can take care of ourselves if we the people will step up to the plate and do our jobs right.

    • Lisabeth,

      Thank you very much! Not sure I can add anything to that as I certainly believe the government is way too big. I certainly think the government should not be in the redistribution business.

  2. Pingback: College Lockdown Policies are working. What can be done to prevent it? | Rural North Carolina