Bring on Real Cuts in government spending!

Real Cuts in Government Spending

I suppose like everyone else we are sick of hearing it, but how about we bring real cuts in government spending. The great Judge Andrew Napolitano wrote a great article that shows how we got to this point. The reality is that the Federal government will spend more in 2013 than they did in 2012.

This is the sad fact to the full court press about how these small cuts will hurt the country. What is another crisis without all the fear uncertainty, and doubt. It seems like the current administration is great at shoveling FUD and short on actual leadership. When you have a guy like Biden on the team that should comes as little surprise.

I think the greatest surprise would be if we add a 0 to the forced cuts. Go ahead and make every department in the Federal government have their budget reduced by 20%. That is every department across the board. The real cuts in government spending would come when you have reached year 5 of the yearly 20% reduction. Only then may we start getting out from under this fiscal cliff looming over us.

The only way is with real cuts in government spending! Don’t expect it though as the snake never gets smaller voluntarily. It must be done by either cutting the head off or keeping it contained and reducing the amount of food it eats.

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