Have you planted any Privacy Fence Shrubs?

Privacy Fence Shrubs

In modern American subdivisions there is a need for privacy fence shrubs. Typically most people do not want their neighbors seeing everything they do. The incessant need for control by many Homeowners Associations (HOA) often prevents a lot of the easier privacy methods.

No matter what your situation it is always good to establish some privacy fence shrubs. At some point in your time living in the house you may want to do something without people watching. What have you done to accomplish that?Privacy Fence Shrub 1Many choices are privacy fences and other man made things. These can be great things, but in many places the HOA do not allow them. While I would never personally choose to live in a HOA neighborhood I know many people that do. I just happen to like the freedom to do what I want to do. My neighbors may wish for an HOA, but that is a different story.

Why would I need Privacy Fence Shrubs if I am not governed by an HOA? Well as with all things redundancy is key. Part of my neighbors privacy fence fell down and they have yet to fix it. This despite that they have an in-ground pool. Guess where it fell down? Right in pool side view of my chicken yard.

Privacy Fence Shrub 3

I wish I had put up my privacy shrub earlier but there are always a lot of things to do. My wife decided for that area we would install a Fragrant Tea Olive(Osmanthus Fragrans). I have learned to not immediately dismiss her thoughts without consideration. Even though it is not native, which goes against my trends, she got her bushes.

We planted 12 bushes last year in the early Spring. It is designed to grow up to approximately 10 feet tall by 6-8 feet wide. It has a growth rate of 2-3 feet per year. We planted 3 gallon plants about 4 feet apart and got the growth rate out of that. This year they should be as tall as our fence.

Privacy Fence Shrub 4Within two years our neighbor should not be able to see our chickens from their swimming pool. The fragrance hopefully will be another pleasant thing about this shrub fence.

The privacy fence shrubs are quickly growing to keep our chickens protected from the swimming pool watchers. That way they can take a  dust bath in private instead of in the open. My chickens refuse to wear their bathing suit so they are always skinny dipping during their bath.Privacy Fence Shrub 2I want to expand on this concept in later posts as it is vital and important to create redundant privacy screens for your homestead whether it is a farm or in the most intrusive HOA subdivision.


Have you planted any Privacy Fence Shrubs? — 2 Comments

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