Real Shutdown is looming on the horizon

Real Shutdown

Despite all the dysfunction coming out of Washington if you want to see a real shutdown you may not have long to wait. There is talk that the nations truckers are going to Washington on October 11-13. They will be doing that instead of delivering goods.

JIT pitfallsWe have talked about the fragility of a JIT system and there have even been signs of weakness from one of the best implemented systems. There is little doubt that if a large majority of the truckers participate it will have ripple effects. The key that we all should be looking at is what we can do to prepare.

This is not about whether they are right or wrong, but the impact a three day real shutdown would have. Many people do not think it will be negligible however you have to remember that almost all the freight moves on a truck at sometime. The pickups from the docks will be delayed and the deliveries to the distribution centers as well.

walmart-truck_129852856504610595The trucks rolling from the distribution centers also contain all the Christmas stuff this time of year. Anyone in the logistics business knows there is a shortage of trucks and truckers already. A three day real shutdown will cause backups and shortages in the local stores.

If you can not live without going to the store for two weeks you are not prepared. I would encourage you to take corrective action in the next week. The impetus is the looming real shutdown but it will pay dividends years down the road. While building up your preparations you can pick and choose your purchasing time to coincide with sales and seasonal prices.

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