Modern day Common Sense penned by Matt Bracken not Thomas Paine

Modern Day Common Sense

This should come as no surprise to my readers but Matt Bracken has written the modern day common sense. This should be required reading by all American citizens. Alas I hope that enough Security Agents read it and remember their true allegiance when that time comes.

Gadsden_flag Liberty versus TyrannyThere is little doubt that we have arrived at that place when time is running out. As Mr. Bracken so eloquently points out under his nine points. I encourage all of us to do what we can to avoid getting to the yellow line. There is time to make it known that the nation of riflemen will continue to practice and will never disarm. It is our only hope in keeping the ideals of the Declaration of Independence.

Let us not look back and wonder if we could have done more. Take the time to read Mr. Bracken’s modern day common sense and get it distributed throughout the land. There is strength in numbers and the more that we have on our side the better.


Modern day Common Sense penned by Matt Bracken not Thomas Paine — 1 Comment

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