Kirkman Little Giant really puts out some Light

Kirkman Little Giant

The Kirkman Little Giant is a shining beacon. I think there is no doubt in my three readers minds that I want to be prepared if the Lights go out. I have talked about 2 important things to do when the electricity is out and different Lighting options. Despite never being prepared enough there are other aspects to enjoy as well.

Kirkman Little Giant #350 showing LightThe R.E. Dietz Company can trace it’s origins in the lighting business to 1840. You can still buy a Dietz lantern today 172 years later. The modern cold blast tubular has been around since 1874. Dietz has been one of the leaders for all of that time. No doubt we had a Dietz or a knock off growing up.

Back when we used the lantern it was due to frequent power outages. There was a time when you could almost expect it once an evening. It was either adapt or go to bed early. Things have improved a lot since then, but I enjoy the glow from a kerosene lamp immensely.

There is something peaceful and satisfying knowing that you are using the same lighting that your ancestors used. The people producing lights should really try to get in the same light spectrum given the popularity of lamps and fireplaces.

I recently acquired a W.T. Kirkman Little Giant #350 Lantern. This is a their version of a Dietz by the same name and number. Even though they have followed the Dietz Companies production to China this lantern is of a high quality. It has a bright galvanized finish that will impair any rusting.

Kirkman Little Giant #350 with flash showing finishThe Kirkman Little Giant has a “Loc Nob” globe with their own name on it. I have been thoroughly impressed with the lantern and look forward to many years of use. It is amazing to me how these lanterns have ever fallen out of favor.

I have no doubt that the features built in to this lantern and the fact that it sips fuel will ensure that I utilize the Kirkman Little Giant #350 for many years to come. I encourage all of you to join the enlightened age and get a kerosene lamp for your enjoyment.



Kirkman Little Giant really puts out some Light — 1 Comment

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