Are all telephone calls recorded and accessible to the US government?

Are all telephone calls recorded and accessible to the US government?

The following article brings up some brilliant points as the question is asked Are all telephone calls recorded and accessible to the US government?. This will humble even the most staunch government supporter. What privacy do we really have if every conversation is recorded.

The key part of this story is that the government may have the capability to go back to the conversations leading up to the bombing and hear what a husband and spouse were talking about. Now mind you that if we believe the current story they were not suspect and were not even identified as potentially hostile. If the government is capable of reviewing the information then that means they are recording everything or they implemented that in the Boston area because of the marathon.

If one believes that the recordings were done on actual intelligence of a suspected threat then you must wonder how many people are violated. This could lead to people unfairly accused. I am reminded of a Sociology professor from college who routinely violated people’s comfort space. I think he enjoyed getting punched, but I have no doubt he thought it was interesting.

If you really want to test this theory out then you should grab a loved one or even a really good friend where neither one of you should be under surveillance. Then in a private place via telephone talk about subversive activities. I am wondering if they would show up or most likely put you under surveillance.

There are many ways to get around it and for those enterprising folks that will get by. I welcome any comments or confirmation of said recordings.

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