Donald Trump #45
Today the greatest country on earth changes power as Donald Trump #45 is inaugurated. This is a testament to the freedom. We have made a change and the power shifts in Washing DC. Let it be celebrated.
This marks the 45th man that has taken the oath of office to be President of the United States of America. It has been a long time since we have had a successful businessman as President. It is a welcome change then the trend of late.
No matter who you voted for or support today the power shifts. It is a hallmark and something we should be proud of. Donald Trump #45 is reality today.
We will see if he can truly live up to his Make America Great Again. The reality is the the World is better when the United States of America is strong and leading the world.
We have taken a back seat the last eight years and we have been suffering from bad trade deals even longer than that. It will be refreshing if President Trump can change both of those things.
We welcome all nations and trade, but it should no longer be at the expense of the American people. Today we celebrate history as President Obama leaves office and peacefully transfers power to Donald Trump #45. It is a grand day to be alive!