Tomorrow is election day and our chance to make a difference. This peaceful change in power is something that the United States has shown the world. It is time for the US Senate to be turned over to Republican control. Perhaps tomorrow we can make a difference and cede control to a another party.
Right here in the Old North State we have a first term Senator that successfully won her seat on the coat tails of Obama. She also accused the incumbent of voting too much with the President and their agenda. It would only be poetic justice that she is sent packing since she votes with Obama 96% of the time. Tomorrow the voters can make a difference and send her home.
Once again another North Carolina Senate race spends a tremendous amount of money has been spent. Besides that travesty the mainstream media is being obtuse and refuses to inform voters of accurate information. They have even got downright devious and removed articles published about the incumbent Senator. If you are registered to vote in North Carolina it is time to make a difference and send one of Marc Basnight’s lieutenants home.
Many people forget that the Democratic Party ruled North Carolina for 100 years and there were few if any that had more power than Marc Basnight. Kay Hagan was one of his proteges and largely responsible for the failing budgets that we were given. Now the Republicans in North Caroling have tried changing that.
On Election Day 2014 it is time to make a difference. Send Kay Hagan home and show the world that the tyranny that has been present in the Federal government the last six years is over. It would also be helpful to keep the NC Senate and House red so they can continue to make a difference and improve North Carolina.