Molon Labe if you think an Executive Order trumps the Constitution

Molon Labe

Despite all the talk and posturing if the defenders of the Constitution utter one thing it should be Molon Labe. That Greek phrase was reportedly first used in 480 BC in response to the invitation to lay down their weapons. The phrase means “to come and take them”!

molon labe engravingDespite any belief, law, or executive order the people of the United States should not give up their weapons. This is an important subject that we must talk about and educate people as no shock to anyone the government sponsored education has failed in this right.

The exact reason that our Constitution could not be ratified without the Bill of Rights is because the Found Fathers understood the importance to ensure the citizens have the power. For too long the power in this country has shifted from the people and states to Washington. Despite what you will hear the Founding Fathers never believed hunting should even need to be justified.

The reason that was never thought of was because of the 2nd Amendment. It was put in place to give the citizens the power to stand up to a tyrannical government. They would be horrified if they could see the discussion today. The exact reason that you need the “assault rifles” and “military grade” weapons is to ensure that a government does not infringe on your rights.

Freedom was never designed to be free as their is a price to pay to guarantee those rights remain. There have been forces at work intent on a path of systematic destruction of our rights since the day the Constitution has been ratified. Many Americans are like a frog in a pot of water that has been slowly warming up. We are at the critical point where the water is about too be fatal.

Before we all perish it is time to make a stand. We should present a unified front and gather citizens and individual states to respond to the assault by Washington with Molon Labe! If we allow them to get them peacefully there will be no turning back.


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